Requests for Proposals


Healthcare Targeted Workforce Development and Computer Science Targeted Workforce Development

For the 2024 fiscal year, the Utah Legislature appropriated $4.5M in ongoing funding for the Healthcare and Computer Science Targeted Workforce Development initiatives to develop new programs and expand existing programs in targeted occupations that show regional demand.

Deep Technology Talent Initiative

The Deep Technology Talent Initiative, Board policy R430, provides funding for expanded programs in deep technology. The goal of the Deep Technology Talent Initiative is to facilitate collaborations that create expanded, multidisciplinary programs or stackable credential programs in both undergraduate and graduate studies that prepare students to be workforce participants in jobs requiring deep technology skills.

Utah Works

The purpose of the fund is to develop short-term pre-employment training and short-term early employment training for student and workforce participants that meet the needs of businesses that are creating jobs and economic growth in the state.

Info Session:

Return to Work Grant

The purpose of this fund is to support business entities in developing a new return-to-work program or expanding an existing return-to-work program, offering opportunities for adults looking to re-enter the workforce after an extended absence.

Info Session: 

  • View Return to Work RFP Information Session Recording. Enter passcode: G2MmH#GY

Behavioral Health Workforce Initiative Grant

As part of the $4.5M ongoing funds for Targeted Workforce Development – Healthcare appropriated by the Legislature, $800,000 of funding has been allotted to create a Behavioral Health certification program that includes learning objectives identified by industry, is offered as a less than one year certificate, and offers simulated clinical components that align with a Scope of Practice.

Talent Ready Connections Grant

This grant aims to help support the expansion of work-based learning and apprenticeship opportunities throughout Utah. This fund aims to help create and develop programs that help students earn while they learn in-demand skills for high-wage careers.

  • View Talent Ready Connections RFP Information Session Recording. Enter passcode: *Df2QNuP
  • View Talent Ready Connections K12 RFP Information Session Recording. Enter passcode: Ta1e?$sg

Life Sciences Workforce Initiative

The initiative aims to prepare a workforce with the skills to meet the future needs of Utah’s growing Life Science industries. It aims to fund the creation or expansion of Life Science certificates, apprenticeships, and degrees that will prepare students for current and future careers in high-demand Life Science occupations.

  • View Life Sciences Workforce Information Session Recording. Enter passcode: e%9Yfv4?